PROFESSIONAL TUTOR arranging tutors for you! Our tutors/team are professional, qualified and well-experienced精心為您挑選導師!補習天王教學團隊所有的成員都是專業的、具備相當資格的和經驗豐富的

About Us


Our Mission

PT’s mission is to help students pursue their unique learning pathway by developing a sense of accomplishment and their self-confidence. As a group of teaching enthusiasts who share the same passion with many like-minded individuals, we believe that the key to success lies in their intrinsic motivation to learn and excel themselves. We believe in the potential possessed by every student. We, therefore, not only guide our students on how to improve their academic performance and eventually ace their exams, but also on how to help them develop their multiple intelligences in an array of areas from music and languages (e.g. Mandarin, English) to arts and crafts.

Since 2007

Online / On-site / Group or Private Class

( Anytime / Anywhere )
網 課 / 上 門 / 學習中心

Language: Mandarin/Cantonese/English
語言: 普通話/廣東話/英文

Courses: From Kids to Adults
課程: 幼兒~成人


補習天王的使命是幫助學生建構未來和建立成就感,指導他們如何提高自己的考試水平,提高他們的成績。致力讓他們愉快地學習,培養學生的多元智能,例如在音樂、美術和語言的領域,幫助他們說一口地道、流利的的英語/普通話/廣東話。我們著重幫助學生建立自信和自尊,激發他們內在的動力, 監督和促進他們的進步。


Professional Tutor Courses 補習天王課程

learn mandarin in hong kong or look for a home teacher, learning centre, summer camp.  找補習社學英文或普通話上門補習老師, 暑期活動2004
For 0-6 years 幼兒課程

Playgroup 唱遊小組

Interview Preparation 面試

Mandarin 普通話

Recitation Competition 朗誦

Pinyin Madarin/Phonics 拼音

Storytelling 講故事


Language Level Test Certificate Courses 語言等級測試證書課程

Musical Instruments 樂器

Art and Drawing 藝術與繪畫

Writing 書寫

Summer Camp 暑期興趣班

Professional tutor hk, learning mandarin course 普通話補習老師、英文老師和學生在補習社或上門學中文課程等
For 5-19 years 中小學課程

IB Chinese 中文

Interview Preparation 面試

IGCSE Chinese 中文

Recitation Competition 朗誦

All Subjects 全科

Language Level Test Certificate Courses 語言等級測試證書課程

Chinese/English/Maths 中/英/數

Art and Drawing 藝術與繪畫

Musical Instruments 樂器

Storytelling 講故事

HSK – Chinese Proficiency Test Preparation Courses 汉语水平考试备试课程

Writing 寫作

The Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) Test Preparation Courses 國家語委普通話水平測試備試課程

Summer Camp 暑假興趣班

learn mandarin lesson with tutor hk 普通話補習和英文補習老師上門或在補習中心學習中文或英文課程等
For Adults 成人課程

English 英文

Mandarin 普通話

Cantonese 廣東話

HSK – Chinese Proficiency Test Preparation Courses汉语水平考试备试课程

The Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) Test Preparation Courses 國家語委普通話水平測試備試課程

Art and Drawing 藝術與繪畫

Others 其它.

Online / On-site / Group or Private Class (Anytime/Anywhere)

網 課 / 上 門 / 學 習 中 心

To enjoy great learning experience, start learning with PROFESSONAL TUTOR now! 

要獲得卓越的學習經歷,立刻聯絡補習天王吧 !

PROFESSIONAL TUTOR arranging tutors for you! Our tutors/team are professional, qualified and well-experienced精心為您挑選導師!補習天王教學團隊所有的成員都是專業的、具備相當資格的和經驗豐富的