PROFESSIONAL TUTOR arranging tutors for you! Our tutors/team are professional, qualified and well-experienced精心為您挑選導師!補習天王教學團隊所有的成員都是專業的、具備相當資格的和經驗豐富的
Professional tutor hk, learning mandarin course 普通話補習老師、英文老師和學生在補習社或上門學中文課程等

Interview Preparation 面試

IGCSE Chinese 中文

Recitation Competition 朗誦

Language Level Test Certificate Courses 語言等級測試證書課程

Chinese/English/Maths 中/英/數

Art and Drawing 藝術與繪畫

Musical Instruments 樂器

Storytelling 講故事

HSK – Chinese Proficiency Test Preparation Courses 汉语水平考试备试课程

Writing 寫作

The Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) Test Preparation Courses 國家語委普通話水平測試備試課程

Others 其它

熱 門 課 程 簡 介

Need help preparing for school interviews for your child?

IB Chinese中文 Interview Preparation面試 IGCSE Chinese中文 Recitation Competition朗誦 All Subjects全科 Language Level Test Certificate Courses語言等級測試證書課程 Chinese/English/

Tailor-made Teaching Materials
我 們 為 您 量 身 定 製 教 材

PT’s well-organised programme is tailor-made to boost the confidence of kids, so that they can impress their interviewers. PT’s teaching materials are compiled by our professional instructors and cover a wide range of interview techniques for entering a good number of reputable primary schools in Hong Kong.

補習天王系統化的教學, 可以增強小孩的信心,讓他們能夠打動面試官。 補習天王的教材是由我們專業的導師精心編制的,涵蓋了廣泛的面試技巧,助您考入名校。

With a variety of topics, PT’s programme can also systematically and effectively help students improve their comprehension competence, communication skills and application capability of language via role plays and mock interviews. Students can access the educational resources and videos and obtain certificates by passing the tests. 

我們多元化的、有系統的主題教學, 讓學生透過角色扮演和模擬面試, 有效地幫助他們提高理解能力、溝通能力和語言運用的能力。學生可以獲取學習資料和視頻, 並透過測試,考獲證書

Course Features課 程 特 色

  1. Taught by experienced tutors 由經驗豐富的導師教授
  2. Develop children’s talents 培養孩子的才能
  3. Training up interview techniques 培訓面試的技巧
  4. Improve logical and critical thinking skills 提高邏輯思維和批判性思考能力
  5. Equipping children with general and academic knowledge required for the interviews 為孩子準備面試所需的常識和學術性的知識
  6. English/Mandarin/Cantonese conversation pracitce 運用英語/普通話/粵語進行對話
  7. Storytelling in English/Mandarin/Cantonese 運用英語/普通話/粵語講故事
  8. Mock interviews with frequently-asked questions(from popular schools) 用常見的、熱門的學校的面試問題進行模擬面試


Over 17 years of experience let us understand well how to design effective language teaching materials.


Being systematic, effective, interesting and practical, Professional Tutor’s teaching materials for language level tests are able to train up students’ listening, speakingreading and writing skills. The main content of the tests are designed according to the Curriculum Guide as suggested by Curriculum Development Council, EDB, HKSAR. Let our professional and experienced tutors help you with your preparation for your language test to achieve higher scores!

補習天王語言等級測試教材有系統、有效、有趣和實用, 綜合了聽、說、讀和寫各種能力。測試內容主要是參照香港特別行政區政府教育統籌局建議的課程發展議會所編訂之教育課程指引而編寫的。讓我們專業的和經驗豐富的導師助您迎接語言測試, 考取更高的分數吧!

Level 1 一級普通話等級考試

Level 1 is conducted in the form of game. It aims to evaluate the candidates’ Mandarin listening and speaking abilities. The part for reading out for Level 1 is of lower difficulty that is suitable for beginners.


Level 2 二級普通話等級考試

Level 2 is conducted like a game that mainly evaluates the candidates’ listening, speaking and reading abilities. The“reading” part involves reading out short sentences or poems for kids. This part tests the candidates’ Mandarin pronunciation and also their Chinese character recognition.


Level 3 三級普通話等級考試

Level 3 evaluates the candidates’ listening, speaking and reading abilities through interactive questions and answers and in the form of games. The part for “reading out” involves sentences and poems for kids. Level 3 differs from Level 1 and 2 for its characteristic to test the candidates’ Chinese vocabulary size, use of words and Mandarin pronunciation.

三級普通話等級考試」會以互動的問答和遊戲方式,評估考生的聽、說和讀的能力。「朗讀」的部份包括了朗讀句子和兒歌。 與一級、二級的分別是:三級更能評估考生中文的識字量、字詞的運用及普通話的發音等。

Level 4 四級普通話等級考試

Level 4 evaluates the candidates’ listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. For example, candidates need to be able to use complete sentences, describe pictures, classify things and explain, give a self-introduction, tell a story and write in Chinese.

四級普通話等級考試」會評估考生的聆聽、說話、朗讀和書寫的能力,例如考生要使用完整的句子,能口述圖畫, 能將事物分類和作出解釋, 能自我介紹, 會講故事和書寫中文。

PT teaches recitation of poems effectively and guides students to speak naturally. Children can listen to our videos downloadable from our website, while parents can get to know the learning progress and achievements of their children. 

補習天王有效地教授詩歌朗誦,培養學生的語感。孩子可以從我們網站下載影片來聽, 在此同時, 父母也可以了解孩子們的學習進度和成就。

Many of our students have won awards in the various recitation contests. We are proud of their performance as they usually win the first three prizes out of the 60 competitors in the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival.


PT has been committed to promoting and advocating creative art and design in children and teenagers, exploring their endless creativity, delving into their imagination and allowing them to reflect the world around them. For this reason, we have contacted schools, NGOs and corporations for collaboration and have finally come to an agreement with them.

補習天王一直致力於推動和倡導兒童和青少年的創意藝術和設計,探索他們無窮無儘的創造性,發掘他們的想像力,讓他們反思周圍的世界。為此, 補習天王已和學校、非牟利組織和公司達成合作協議。

We believe that art can help with early childhood development and adolescents’ personal growth through a range of activities. Our creativity training courses include drawing classes, preschool art classes, oil painting classes for kids and other interesting forms of art, such as design and architecture programmes. Definitely, you will be able to find something you love!


PT’s art jamming and painting courses are suitable for all ages, bringing you a relaxing and joyful experience. After completing our course, you will have the basic knowledge about drawing and be confident to create your own unique and beautiful designs.

補習天王的繪畫課程適合任何年齡人士, 可以為您帶來輕鬆愉快的體驗。在完成課程後,您將具有繪畫的基本知識,並有信心可以創造出屬於您自己的、獨特而美麗的設計。

PT helps you understand how you can become a successful storyteller.

補習天王幫助您了解: 怎樣成為一個成功的故事演講者。

You will be able to learn various practical skills and improve your storytelling techniques. Your vocabulary size will be expanded. Your lifelong passion for reading will be ignited.


Your memory of story plot and vocabularies will be improved. We encourage discussions and moltivate your mind.


We use established storytelling techniques that help build up your confidence in captivating the audience, while your leadership skills can also be improved.

運用已被認可的講故事技巧, 可以建立自信, 吸引觀眾, 還可以提高您的領導能力

You will be able to explore how to approach a storybook from different points of view. It helps you realise your potential.讓您探索如何從不同角度去演講故事,助您發揮潛能

PT’s professional and experienced instructors inspire your creativity and help you take your writing to the next level.

補習天王經驗豐富的專業導師激發創意, 幫助你提升寫作水平

We have prepared well-organised and concise materials for your writing.


We put an equal emphasis on theory and practice at classes, suggesting to use mind maps to guide your writing effectively. Your writing skills will be enhanced through practice.

我們重視理論和實踐, 運用思維導圖有效地引導寫作, 透過練習來提高寫作技能

You will find PT’s fun and fascinating lessons very fruitful and useful at the same time. It sets you on the path of expressing your ideas effectively and keeping readers engaged.


See what our Students and Parents say ! 看看我們的學生和家長怎麼說! 


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PROFESSIONAL TUTOR arranging tutors for you! Our tutors/team are professional, qualified and well-experienced精心為您挑選導師!補習天王教學團隊所有的成員都是專業的、具備相當資格的和經驗豐富的