PROFESSIONAL TUTOR arranging tutors for you! Our tutors/team are professional, qualified and well-experienced精心為您挑選導師!補習天王教學團隊所有的成員都是專業的、具備相當資格的和經驗豐富的
learn mandarin lesson with tutor hk 普通話補習和英文補習老師上門或在補習中心學習中文或英文課程等

English 英文

Mandarin 普通話

Cantonese 廣東話

HSK – Chinese Proficiency Test Preparation Courses汉语水平考试备试课程

The Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) Test Preparation Courses 國家語委普通話水平測試備試課程

Art and Drawing 藝術與繪畫

免費活動 / 課程

Others 其它

Improve your Language Skills and Enrich your Life 

改善語言技巧 讓生活更精彩

As expert language educators, we are committed to helping you boost your self-confidence in listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that you can use language confidently and make your life more fruitful in various aspects. Not only can it improve your social life, but it can also brighten your career prospects. 

作為語言的教育專家,我們致力助您提高聽、說、讀和寫的自信。自信地使用語言, 可以令您的生活更加充實! 這不僅可以改善您的社交生活, 還可以改善您的職業前景……

Professional Tutor’s teaching resources help guiding beginners step by step, to read in a systematic approach. We focus on laying a solid language foundation in the aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing. These programmes are carefully designed according to different levels and are student-centred, so that they meet the needs of each student of various abilities. With our nearly 20 years of experience in language teaching, Professional Tutor has successfully published a series of particular textbooks that are suitable for beginners, school teachers, parents and educators.


Professional Tutor ’s website is primarily a multimedia website that provides learning resources for beginners in the form of videos and interactive quizzes. We have created some video lessons with unprecedented ideas. Our interactive learning plans are tailor-made for you, so it suits you well and helps you build up your confidence in learning, no matter you are of elementary of advanced level.


In order to help you to achieve higher scores in the exams, our experienced trainers will focus more on the exam preparation skills. We will provide you with mock exam papers for practice purposes, followed by comments and feedback. Progress reports will be provided for language courses of each level, including level achievements, certificates and recommendations for future training.


Private tutorials can also be carried about at students’ home.


Our professional and experienced tutors can help our students with their language study and preparation for tests to achieve higher scores!


Language: Mandarin/Cantonese/English 語言: 普通話/广东话/英文

Online/On-site/In center 網課/上門/學習中心

( Anytime / Anywhere ) 自選時間和地點

Student Enrollment Form 找導師請留下以下資料.

謝 謝 您 的 信 息

若需獲優先安排, 歡迎WhatsApp以上的信息給我們, 謝謝!


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PROFESSIONAL TUTOR arranging tutors for you! Our tutors/team are professional, qualified and well-experienced精心為您挑選導師!補習天王教學團隊所有的成員都是專業的、具備相當資格的和經驗豐富的