PROFESSIONAL TUTOR arranging tutors for you! Our tutors/team are professional, qualified and well-experienced精心為您挑選導師!補習天王教學團隊所有的成員都是專業的、具備相當資格的和經驗豐富的

PT’s mission is to help students pursue their unique learning pathway by developing a sense of accomplishment and their self-confidence. As a group of teaching enthusiasts who share the same passion with many like-minded individuals, we believe that the key to success lies in their intrinsic motivation to learn and excel themselves. We believe in the potential possessed by every student. We, therefore, not only guide our students on how to improve their academic performance and eventually ace their exams, but also on how to help them develop their multiple intelligences in an array of areas from music and languages (e.g. Mandarin, English) to arts and crafts.

補習天王的使命是幫助學生建構未來和建立成就感,指導他們如何提高自己的考試水平,提高他們的成績。致力讓他們愉快地學習,培養學生的多元智能,例如在音樂、美術和語言的領域,幫助他們說一口地道、流利的的英語/普通話/廣東話。我們著重幫助學生建立自信和自尊,激發他們內在的動力, 監督和促進他們的進步。

Since 2007 成 立 於 2007 年

English/Mandarin hk tutor and student are holding certificate in the learning center 學生和英文/普通話老師手持證書的合照

Our Merits 我們的不同之處

All tutors of Professional Tutor are dedicated to and passionate about education, helping you to get the most out of your learning experience.


Our tutors are professionally trained lecturers, who know exactly how to deal with a specific curriculum and are well aware of the techniques and tactics required to ace an exam. 


Our experts are holders of professional certificates (or even higher qualifications) in their respective subjects and have rich teaching experience. They are very patient and enthusiastic about teaching.


Don’t bother searching for a good tutor! We will spare no effort in doing so for you, to ensure that each student is suitably paired with an ideal tutor who best matches his/her desirable requirements, needs and budget. 


Your tutorial sessions with PT are customised according to your needs, so that students can learn exactly what they want. It also works well in emergency situations, like when a student is totally unprepared for an upcoming exam/test. 


Our team of full-time content developers works around the clock analysing past papers to determine new trends and question types. The collected information and data are then used to adjust our existing strategies. This ensures that our teaching materials are always up-to-date and optimised for our students. 


PT has created some video lessons with unprecedented ideas. Our interactive learning plans are tailor-made for you, so it suits you well and helps you build up your confidence in learning, no matter you are of elementary of advanced level.


English/Mandarin hk tutor and student are holding teaching materials學生和英文/普通話老師手持教材的合照

Professional Tutor’s teaching resources help guiding kids/beginners step by step, to read in a systematic approach. We focus on laying a solid language foundation in the aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing.These programmes are carefully designed according to different levels and are student-centred, so that they meet the needs of each student of various abilities.

With our nearly 20 years of experience in language teaching, PT has successfully published a series of particular textbooks that are suitable for kids/beginners, school teachers, parents and educators.


PT’s website is primarily a multimedia website that provides learning resources for PT kids/beginners in the form of videos and interactive quizzes. We have created some video lessons with unprecedented ideas. Our interactive learning plans are tailor-made for you, so it suits you well and helps you build up your confidence in learning, no matter you are of elementary of advanced level.

PT的網頁: https://tutorpro.hk是一個多媒體網站,為PT孩子/初學者提供視頻和互動式測驗的學習資源。我們創建了一些前所未有的視頻課程,為您量身定製適合您的互動學習計劃:從對話入門到進深語言學習計劃,助您培養信心。 

In order to help you to achieve higher scores in the exams, our experienced trainers will focus more on the exam preparation skills. We will provide you with mock exam papers for practice purposes, followed by comments and feedback. Progress reports will be provided for language courses of each level, including level achievements, certificates and recommendations for future training.


Private tutorials can also be carried about at students’ home.


Our professional and experienced tutors can help our students with their language study and preparation for tests to achieve higher scores!


PT is highly affordable as all registration and agency fees are waived. You only need to pay the agreed tuition fees for the tutor without any additional fees. We will assign you a tutor effectively and efficiently according to your requirements.                  


To enjoy great learning experience and boost your grades, start learning with PROFESSIONAL TUTOR now!

要獲得卓越的學習經歷, 獲取好的成績, 立刻聯絡補習天王吧 !

PROFESSIONAL TUTOR arranging tutors for you! Our tutors/team are professional, qualified and well-experienced精心為您挑選導師!補習天王教學團隊所有的成員都是專業的、具備相當資格的和經驗豐富的